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htmlPX: Download

System Requirements

htmlPX was originally developed as an exercise to learn the Java programming language. It is written completely in Java using JDK 1.1.5 and therefore requires a Java 1.1 Virtual Machine (JVM) to run. It was tested under Windows 95 and Windows NT 4.0 with both Sun's JVM (java.exe) and Microsoft's JVM (jview.exe). It should run on Windows 98, OS/2, UNIX, Linux and Macintosh as well, but it has not been tested. I would be excited to hear of any non-Windows operating systems that it is used on.

If you do not have a JVM, you can get Sun's runtime environment free. Download the JRE from


The actual Java classes that are needed to run htmlPX are located in the htpxs1_0.jar file. This file is the only one that is really needed to run htmlPX. Installation involves unzipping the downloaded file into a directory. This directory will be called the program directory.

For Windows use, a batch file named htmlpx.bat is included in the installation file. This file can be used to actually run htmlPX. You will need to modify htmlpx.bat so that the line

java -classpath c:\pgm\htmlpx\htpxs1_0.jar;%CLASSPATH% htmlpx %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9

will contain your program directory instead of c:\pgm\htmlpx. Notice that the jar file name is included in the directory specification. Java needs the entire file name to find the classes in a compressed archive.

You can modify the batch file to use jview from Microsoft if you wish to. It could be modified to use whichever JVM you prefer.

After modifying the htmlpx.bat file, you should copy it into a directory that is located in your path. Once this has been correctly done, you can execute htmlPX with a command such as:

htmlpx my.sf

where my.sf is your site file. (More on that later.)

For other operating systems you will need to create your own shell scripts or whatever to execute htmlPX in your environment. If you have problems with this, please feel free to contact me at and I will try to help you determine how to run it on your system.

Copyright © Keith Wilson, 1998-2001. All rights reserved.