
ezBlog-ASP is an extremely simple piece of blogging software that is written in ASP and Javascript. It relies on an MS-Access database and currently requires some knowledge of MS-Access to configure and use it. If you have questions, you can email me at kwilson@wiserve.com.

As always with free software, use it at your own risk. I make no promises of suitability, security, integrity, or anything else. "It works on my machine!"


22-Jan-2006Improved layout, counts for each category, and better editing selecting.
09-Feb-2005Added support for appending into [[break]] and [[rssend]] tags. Example; [[break|Add This!]]
05-Jan-2005Added index/sitemap capabilities and enhanced password usage.
29-Dec-2004Initial upload of ezBlog-ASP.


ezBlog-ASP 1.2.2 - version 1.2.2, 22-Jan-2006 (23K)

To Do

  • Write documentation.
  • One-click backup of the database.
  • Store cookie so you don't need to keep entering password.

If you end up using ezBlog-ASP, please include the image below on your home page with a link to this page.

© Keith Wilson, 2004-2006. All rights reserved.